Dr Chris Nichols - Perth Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


When falling pregnant is not as easy as you thought it would be
About me

Meet Dr Chris Nichols
St John of God Murdoch Hospital| Dr Chris Nichols Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Perth WAFranzcog | Dr Chris Nichols Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Perth WAFertility Specialists Western Australia| Dr Chris Nichols Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Perth WAUniversity of Notre Dame| Dr Chris Nichols Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Perth WA
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Fertility Team Dr Chris Nichols, Murdoch, Applecross

“You deserve the best care”

I believe that when it comes to choosing a fertility specialist, you deserve the best care. I have had the privilege of building my experience over the last 20 years, providing gynaecological, obstetric and fertility care.

I am proud to offer all aspects of fertility care ensuring you are given the best chance at falling pregnant. With decades of experience, I am highly qualified to help you with fertility treatment, whether the cause is age, ovulation disorders, male factors, or something else entirely. I provide support at any time, day or night, and I believe that knowledge is empowering; that is why I encourage you to ask any questions you have.

I am the clinical director of Fertility Specialists WA - Applecross. I am also an examiner with RANZCOG and an adjunct senior lecturer at Notre Dame’s School of Medicine in Fremantle.

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Our Specialties

Hysterectomy Perth WA

Ovulation induction

Ovulation induction is my favourite treatment option because it is usually the simplest and most successful option.
Ovulation induction
Endometriosis Perth WA

Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is sometimes known as AIH. It is an older form of treatment, older than IVF. It is best called empirical treatment, and it may be an option in couples that have unexplained infertility.
IVF treatment Perth WA

IVF Treatment

If you are having trouble conceiving, IVF treatment may be your best option.
IVF treatment
Heavy periods Perth WA

IVM or In Vitro Maturation

Essentially, it is a variation on IVF where there is shorter, more limited stimulation of the eggs. The main advantage of IVM is that it completely eliminates the risk of hyperstimulation.
Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Fertility Team Dr Chris Nichols, Murdoch, Applecross
Dr Chris Nichols Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Fertility specialist, Murdoch, Applecross

Dr Chris Nichols - Perth

Fertility Specialist

For over 20 years, I have worked as a specialist gynaecologist, obstetrician and fertility specialist. Before that, I was a rural general practitioner.

Over ten years ago, with the help of Fertility Specialists of Western Australia, I established Perth’s first fertility clinic south of the river, then called Fertility Specialists South, now just part of Fertility Specialists of WA. Outside my role as a specialist, I am happily married, a father and a passionate cyclist.


Fertility practice

Contact Details:

Phone: 1300 392 393

Consulting rooms address:

Fertility Specialists of WA,
Level 1, 764 Canning Hwy,
Applecross WA 6153

Operating address:

South Perth Hospital, 76 South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151